Stan Macey

Stan Macey Receives ChairAir Force veteran Stan Macey missed being able to walk to the water’s edge to fish. Living at the Grand Rapids Home for Veterans, Macey’s disabilities prevented him from enjoying two of his favorite past times; hunting and fishing. On October 29th, 2015 POAM delivered Macey a TracFab chair and he immediately began testing it out.

With a huge grin on his face, Macey took the TracFab chair from the parking lot, over a curb, and on to the grass as a test run. Also equipped with a fishing rod holder and a rifle mount, the chair will allow Macey and others living at the GRHV, the freedom to get to the waters edge or back in to the woods to hunt.

“We want to give a level of freedom to these veterans that they may not have had in a very long time. It’s gratifying to be a part of this.” – Jim Tignanelli

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